Condemnation is devastating to human hearts because it paralyzes. When someone feels condemnation, it's because they feel there's a record somewhere of what they've done wrong. Sin's power over us is in this feeling of condemnation. But condemnation is certainly why faith has come to seem more about making it to heaven than intimacy with our Father. Possibly the greatest evidence that people believe God keeps records of their wrongs is the fact that they keep such accurate records of their own wrongs. If we really believed, would we? It becomes a habit that won't allow any undeserved comfort to creep in. Forgetting personal wrongs seems irresponsible.
God is in the business of restoring people not labelling them.
A young woman who had been married for about two years called me one day for advice. Her husband was struggling with a nasty temper and it seemed to be getting worse every time he blew up. The young man tearfully began to tell me about his mountains of failures. His situation reminded me of my kitchen just after Thanksgiving dinner, with every plate, utensil, cup, glass, pot, and pan stacked up on the counter. The thought of even starting in on cleaning up the heaping pile of dishes makes me depressed. Where do you start? But this is how many people feel in their relationships, even their relationship with God. They can't do the right thing until all the wrong things are cleaned up. And because we don't know where to start, we just do our best to hold things together until we end up repeating the same mistake and finding ourselves even worse off than before.
Your Father doesn't keep a record of your sins because He knows if He did, you would be caged in a cycle of repetition. Your Father doesn't keep a record of your sins because He doesn't want anything ugly being held over your head. Everything He touches becomes like new.
You are precious to Him, and when he looks at you He sees only the picture of His perfect creation.
"extracts from Misunderstood God by Darin Hufford"
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