Monday, June 9, 2014

Love rejoices with the truth

We almost always know the truth; we simply close our hearts off to it. It doesn't compare to the fantasy. And when carried over to our ideas of God and love, this becomes a huge problem.

When women desire a romantic man to sweep them off their feet, many are figuratively saying, "I want a man who will lie to me." Romance has become a game of fantasy and manipulation to gratify the flesh. Because we have learned to romanticize love, we end up romanticizing God.

Instantaneous deliverance from sickness, a life without struggle, and financial prosperity are just a few of the charming things I've heard presented to desperate people. When we promise people all their problems will go away the moment they ask Jesus into their hearts, we are setting them up for disappointment. When we invite our neighbors to dinner for the purpose of inviting them to church, we are not acting in love. Many Christians are encouraged to become deceitful and calculating in search of new converts. Such a mind set sidesteps love and often relies on cunning wit and manipulation. With our skewed perception of love, it's no wonder we are confused about God's heart. Do we believe that God rejoices in truth? How could we? Most of our lives are spent listening to lies about Him from super spiritual leaders who claim to be experiencing Him on levels we can only dream about.

The number one reason so many people miss God because they're looking too deeply. They want something huge and spectacular, and they won't accept anything less. Their hearts crave revelation beyond a dirty, homeless carpenter. The pharisees were this way in their time. They were the experts in deep revelation about God; however, when God came and stood right in front of them, they didn't recognize. Instead of rejoicing with the truth(Jesus), they despised Him.

God rejoices in the truth about you. What most people think is the truth is not. Religion has taught us to confuse the facts of our lives with the truth about ourselves. You are not your sin. The truth about you has nothing to do with what you have done or where you have been. God's eyes are fixed on the truth, and He rejoices in it because it's beautiful. God has taken your heart of flesh and given you a new heart of love. He has made you a new creation. He delights in your heart because it's good. He saw abram and called him Abraham. When God looks at you, He calls you by a name that has nothing to do with your present situation or mind-set. Be excited about that!

God is pleased to reveal Himself to the world in the most common and easily understood way. He rejoices in the fact that everyone can connect and relate to Him. God has made the truth so basic and simple that even little children can know Him personally. God rejoices in the bare facts about us and the simplicity of who Christ is. Love rejoices in the truth, unvarnished and ever so uncomplicated.

The love in our hearts is what wins people to God. We don't have to embellish the truth to get people interested in Him. Love is the truth. God delights in love because it's the most powerful force in the world.

 The truth is already in you.

"extracts from Misunderstood God by Darin Hufford"

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