Friday, June 20, 2014

Love always protects

We all have something in our lives we wish we could have been protected from. But what we want isn't always what's best for us. In the name of protecting our kids, we sanitize our homes to keep harmful bacteria out, never thinking that children may need to to develop the ability to fight off those bacteria to survive later in life.

We've come to define being protected as nothing bad ever happening to our flesh. As long as the flesh is protected, we think we're fine. But what about the spirit and the heart? The problem with modern day definition of protection is that it's shallow and nearsighted. We've actually depersonalized it and made it into a mindless concept that should fit every person in every situation. And this cookie cutter view of protection also depersonalizes our relationship with God.

We say things like, "If that person doesn't turn from what they're doing, God will 'lift His hand of protection' from them." This is how we explain tragedy in other people's lives. We think He does this because our definition of protection tells us that's what it is.

I've heard God's protection described as an umbrella, and if we step out from underneath it, we'll get rained on. We have a one-dimensional understanding of God's protection that is contingent on our following an impossible list of laws and guidelines in an effort to earn it. At any point when something bad happens, we can always find a rule on that list we overlooked and blame ourselves for stepping outside His protection.

God protects you because He loves you. Not because you are being good and following rules. Protection is a sacred thing with love. It's never used to manipulate or control. He would never threaten to take it away from the purpose of getting your attention. Know for sure that God will never ever lift His hand of protection from you! We live in a world where things go wrong. Bad things happen to all people eventually. It's just fact of life. Don't ever suspect that God has removed His protection in an effort to correct, rebuke, or punish you when something bad happens in your life. He never once promised us that nothing bad happens in your life. As long as you are here on earth, you will experience adversity and pain. Everyone does.

God's protection is a Father's promise to always hold us up in the midst of all circumstances no matter how terrible. Love bears up under anything! God will never cease to support and grow our hearts regardless of what is thrown at the flesh. God will not override the heart and save the flesh. Everything he does is for the heart! Your heart!

"extracts from Misunderstood God by Darin Hufford"

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